About Me

A family of five that has amazing opportunities to travel the world. Having lived in Beijing, China, Hong Kong,Budapest, Hungary, and Doha, Qatar, the journeys continue to unfold before us.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

It's been a few days of hustle and bustle as we prepare for Christmas.  We've been to the Christmas pageant.  We've been listening to Christmas carols.  Today there were just a few more things to take care of (including some last minute shopping, taking the car in to the car shop for a 2 day repair, pedicure treatment for the girls, and a party at our friends).

You're never too old to make a gingerbread house.  This is one of my first attempts to make gingerbread from scratch.


Then it was time to make the pumpkin pie and minced pies.
And set the table for Christmas Day.

We've just finished listening to A Festival of Nine Carols and Lessons put on by King's College and we're having a family reading of The Night Before Christmas...
Let Christmas begin