About Me

A family of five that has amazing opportunities to travel the world. Having lived in Beijing, China, Hong Kong,Budapest, Hungary, and Doha, Qatar, the journeys continue to unfold before us.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hole in the Wall

Here we are, parked in front of a couple of 'hole in the wall' shops. You see, we needed to pick up something for dinner since we haven't got a stocked fridge at the moment. Al Anabi Restaurant has hummus, half-chickens, and great flat bread that we enjoy as fast food. As you can see, there is nothing glamorous about the location, but the food is good.

While waiting for food, Rob decided to try this barber shop. Initially there were two barbers sitting on couches. He went in and asked about a hair cut, but neither barber moved, so Rob came out assuming that perhaps the actual barber was on break. When he noticed one of the barbers get up and clean his station, he went back in and this time, he got that nod that he should sit down.