About Me

A family of five that has amazing opportunities to travel the world. Having lived in Beijing, China, Hong Kong,Budapest, Hungary, and Doha, Qatar, the journeys continue to unfold before us.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Volleyball and World Cup Volleyball

Connor is part of the high school volleyball team. On Friday, we watched his team play against another local team.
Then after the game we went into town where there were championship games going on. We were given these tickets for free, although the price tag is a mere 10 riyals which works out to be only about $2.75 anyway.
We managed to make one of the finals games. Upon entry we were asked which team we were there to support and after a little bit of back of forth of not really caring which team we were watching, they let us sit anywhere. As you can see though, there were many seats to choose from.
We were watching Sao Paola against Azerbaijan. It was amazing to watch the power and skill of these players.
There were two tv broadcasts going on, a local Qatari one and I think the other one was in Russian.